Did you know that?

The only vegetal food that provides the body with all essential amino acids is soy protein. Rich in antioxidants, soy protects blood vessels, prevents arterial damage, reduces the incidence of heart disease and hypertension, and strengthens the immune system. Also, soy reduces cholesterol and, due to its beta-carotene content (provitamin A), it prevents breast cancer. This selfsame miracle food prevents muscle atrophy and skin aging. Due to these benefits, nutritionists recommend that soy should not be missing from our daily diet. This is for several thousand years the secret of Asian peoples, who have protected their health in this way.

Cardiovascular diseases

Due to its fiber content, soy can be also included in the diabetic diet. There are several studies proving that soy prevents cancer, due to the isoflavones that inhibit malignant cell growth. Also, soy reduces the risk of bone disease and cardiovascular disorders, protects joints and kidneys, and improves blood circulation.

People who frequently eat soy products have a strong immune system due to their high content in omega-3 fatty acids, alpha-linolenic acid, omega-6 fatty acids, protein, fiber, minerals, vitamins (A, B2, B5, B6, C, D, E), and unsaturated fatty acids (which replace harmful cholesterol). In addition, due to its high calcium content, soy helps prevent osteoporosis, while fermented soy products have probiotic effects, which help maintain bowel health.

Excellent for fasting

Currently there is a whole range of soy foods, from vegetable pâtés, sausages, vegetable mayonnaise, to vegetable croquettes and the famous "vegetable cheese" called tofu. Since these products do not contain ingredients of animal origin, they are particularly consumed and preferred during fasting periods, yet an increasing number of people also eat them to detoxify the body. One soy-based food is tofu (soy cheese). Tofu contains soybeans, water, and coagulation products. It is prepared by curdling soy milk and draining it (much in the same way that cheese is produced). Due to its high calcium content, tofu can help prevent osteoporosis.


  • Etymologically, the word "soy" is derived from Dutch (soyu) and is an adaptation of the plant's Japanese name "shoyu".
  • The plant originates from East Asia
  • In 1853 BC., an Emperor of China, Shennong, proclaimed 5 plants as sacred: rice, wheat, barley, millet, and soy.
  • Asians call this food "boneless meat" or "Chinese beef"
  • Soy was brought to Europe in early 18th century, and to United States in 1765.
    In Romania, the plant arrived in 1876, in Transylvania.

Did you know?...

Soybeans have been part of human food for over 5,000 years. The first mention of soybean cultivation dates back to around year...


Please follow the link below in order to find out few soy recipes...


A short history

Although soybeans have been grown on a commercial scale in East Asia for more than 1,000 years, the earliest estimates and ...